Zack and I have noticed a few little things over the past week or so that have tipped us off: Beatrice hates being held and cuddled like a baby, she'd rather be up looking around; she now prefers to sit up in her stroller; being on the floor on her back is no longer fun, she twists and turns to try and turn over (no luck as of yet); mostly though, Beatrice wants to STAND UP and look at people, especially other kids. In short, we think she is tired of being a baby - she's ready to move and play on her own.
So we bought her a tigger chair...she loves it
The tigger chair is a natural extension of another favorite game - CLOCK. And it is much easier on her Daddy's back...
Today we went for a walk and Miss Grumpy Pants was living up to her name until we took her out of her stroller. She essentially stood on my hip, grabbed hold of my hair for balance (oh, what a fun trick), and STARED wide-eyed at everything - the flowers, the birds, and best of all the kids on bikes. No pictures of that, but we did catch her scowling at us from her perch in the stroller. You can almost see her saying, "Hhrrumph." It was a gorgeous day to be out.
Beatrice even was able to spend some naked time in the sunshine (indoors, of course). This was particularly helpful since she exploded while we were out after 72 hours without going. Perhaps her Daddy's nickname for her isn't so appropriate after all, is it Poo?
What else have we been doing? Well, Zack and Jane played with Bea's toys, which made her cry. No, not really - little Poo has been in a bad mood for a few days. Perhaps it was the 72 hour thing...
And we've been reading. B is learning to turn the pages (she likes to eat them too)
And our very big, grown-up girl still likes to suck her thumb and take a nap like a sweet, angel baby.
Hi Sarah! I got your email, thanks! Little Bea is the sweetest little girl - I hear that you'll be in Atlanta soon. I hope Melissa is here for the wedding and I can meet Miss Jarvis in person. I absolutely love her little smile!
Matt & I have a blog - It's not as much fun as yours yet, but hopefully we'll have baby pictures of our own very soon!!
She is just so lovely! Keep the pics coming!
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