Friday, December 19, 2008


So today Beatrice and I were driving to the zoo, and I was asking her which exit off of 580 I should take. (You never know these days what she'll have the answer for, I swear!) Anyway, she said to me, knowingly: "Mommy. Eye. Peel."

It took me a moment to decipher this little bit of Beatrice-ese...and when I finally did, I had to chuckle. I tell her all the time when she asks for things, "Beatrice, you'll just have to keep your eyes peeled."
I never realized how incredibly strange that idiom was until I heard it from a two year old.
Sarah B took this picture of Beatrice the other day...when I saw it I thought to myself, "Um...when did Beatrice turn into a teenager?"

In other, much less frightening news, Beatrice's newest game is 'ni-night', which consists of putting an adult to bed on the floor in the living room using the baby blankets she found in her room.

Other than that we've just been hanging out around the Christmas tree, decorating, getting ready for SANTA!
Latest doctor visit stats for the 2 year old Beatrice: 28lbs and 34" tall!

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