Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Wishes

We're getting into the Christmas spirit this weekend.  We've had a very full week settling back in - to work, to routines, to Beatrice sleeping through the night again.
Beatrice did find time to make a Christmas Wish List.  It is as follows:
* Purple pants
* Morning bun
* Christmas tree ("Kwis-mas tea")
* Jeans/blue pants
* Baby toys
* Stickers
* Fork
* Two boxes

I particularly like the last two on the list.  Too funny.  We did get a Christmas tree today, so check that one off.  Beatrice enjoyed putting the ornaments on the tree.  And she was in heaven when the backpack came out of hiding so we could get the ornaments out of the closet.  She also really likes the mistletoe and all the kissing that comes with it!  She kept yelling, "Mistletoe! Mistletoe!"  Amazingly, she says it perfectly.
So we're pretty much ready for Christmas now.  Oh, except for presents.  But the house is decorated and the Mr and Mrs Claus (the Christmas mice) are out.

We've also been to Grandpa Glen's and Mommy's office parties.  Mommy's had Santa...Beatrice was not too happy about the guy in the red suit.  She was much happier at Grandpa's party.

We did have a visit from Baby Eero, which Beatrice was very happy about.  (She was less happy however when they drove off in the van without her!)
So we're getting settled back in.  Slowly.  Beatrice still asks for Grandma & Bill and Mama & Dada regularly, but she is also enjoying playing with her toys in her house.  Not to mention Eleanor and Anna!

And Sarah!  Beatrice and Sarah B had a girls' night out ("dinner-out" another thing to thank the grandparents for!) of burritos the other night when I had to finish up some work.  Beatrice's hair post pig-tails...and a photo of BeBe's day out at the zoo when she insisted on sunglasses.  Love it.  

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