Friday, July 11, 2008

Blogging in moderation

So I haven't posted anything in a while...(although today I have posted a TON, so if you've been looking for updates for the past, oh I don't know, MONTH or so - scroll down through mid June - they're all there now). At least two weeks of the delay were due to technical difficulties. Another two weeks were due to me feeling overwhelmed by everything here at home, work, Beatrice, and blogging.

Deep breath.

Blogging? Seriously, is that worth stressing over? I've decided, no it's not. I've got plenty of other really good things to waste my energy stressing over. And so (not that you can tell from this post) we're taking fewer pictures of Beatrice. She has responded to this by taking one of our old cameras, holding it up to her face, pointing it at us, and yelling, "CHEEEEEEEESSSSSSSEEEEE!" a few times a day.
So...what's new? Tons, everyday. Beatrice still love backpacks...
And she is trying her best to hop hop...(here in her froggy shoes). She can also say 'jeans' now, and enjoys dressing like Mommy & Daddy.

And she is saying so much more now. Of course I can't remember what exactly, but every hour there seems to be a new word. Perhaps it is because she has taken up 'weeding' again?
Beatrice also built her first tower of blocks all by herself. Her Daddy was so proud!
And we've started reading ('weeding') about potties. We're not trying to toilet train Beatrice yet, but the concept is tantilizing...

The weather has also finally cooperated and we had enough fog for a few days to drive the fire back to 70% contained. Now that we're (hopefully) in the clear, I thought I'd post the incredibly frightening pictures from some of the worst days of the fire. This is the view from our house.
But we're fine now, and it was nice to have a few 60 degree days in a row. Got to break out the 'California winter' clothes again!

Beatrice's 'pasta dance' now includes a twirl!

So in terms of blogging in moderation...I'm not off to a very good start here. But I'm going to try. The problem is that there are just so many cute pictures of Beatrice! Here she is with my handsfree phone "call Momma" when I was in LA at work one day. Tell me, how am I supposed to resist that?

1 comment:

Chase said...

You guys look great! How old is Bea now?