Friday, December 14, 2007

Bunny finder

Beatrice loves her Bunny. She sleeps with it. She chews on its ears and hands. She snuggles with it. We've definitely encouraged this, and have tried to limit Bunny-time to nap/sleep time only in an attempt to make going down for a nap easier. We have 3, just in case we lose one and so that we can wash the stinky things every now and then. One in her crib, one in the diaper bag and one in storage. That's the theory anyway. Two problems recently with this 'brilliant' parenting theory: 1) Beatrice knows where to find Bunny (exhibit A and B above)

She loves Bunny. 2) Now that she loves Bunny and hates napping, she's having to make some tough choices. So now when we put her in bed to take a nap, she stands up and screams and throws Bunny out of her crib to show us how mad she is to be taking a nap. Well, that was at first. Now she waits until we come into the room to pick her up to throw Bunny out of the crib. She's no dummy, that way she still gets Bunny time and gets to be mad at the same time.

In other bizarre news I've discovered that all the clothes we bought Beatrice recently look vaguely like maternity clothes. (see above) Weird.

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