Friday, August 3, 2007

Happy Girl

Beatrice is a happy girl. Grandma Elizabeth is babysitting while Mommy & Daddy are away in Oakland overnight, packing up all of our stuff in storage, and bringing it down to Santa Barbara tomorrow. So it is par-tay time in SB!

Beatrice has been very busy this week - crawling very slowly everywhere (especially when there is something "worthwhile" across the room), pulling herself up to a standing position (again, when it's worth her while), and getting ready for Fiesta in Santa Barbara (the colored eggs are 25cents each and filled with confetti)

Mom, Beatrice and I went for a walk at the park near our new house - like the view??

A picture of my little String Bean - she's as long as my legs!!

1 comment:

Chase said...

She is so lovely. And you guys sound like you are having a great time in California. We are looking forward to getting settled in Denver - y'all are welcome to come and visit anytime!