Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A pattern emerges

Day 1 - Beatrice starts sneezing and coughs a few times. They usually sound like little fake coughs you do when you pretend to be sick. By the end of the day she has a runny nose and obviously isn't feeling great.
Day 2 - Beatrice is decidely sick. Runny nose, hacking cough, whining and crying all day. I start to feel exhausted and my throat hurts, while Zack, of more hardy stock, even feels a bit off by the end of the day.
Day 3 - Beatrice is getting a bit better though still quite sick. I want to die. Old iron constitution Zack is fine.
Day 4 - Same as Day 3 for me and B, but Zack has wisely suggested we take some medicine. He is so smart. And still not sick.

We're on Day 4, but at least now we're both medicated a little. A world of difference. The photos of Beatrice are from the morning of Day 2 when she seemed to have a bit of respite from her cold - she doesn't look sick at all. Nothing sadder than a sick baby.

1 comment:

Chase said...

Good to hear you are feeling better!