Saturday, May 12, 2007

Sitting up

Since we got back from Tuscany, Beatrice has continued to change - almost daily it seems! Sitting up is definitely her new thing. I can put on her on the bed, with a few pillows around her to soften any falls, and she can sit up and play for 15-20 MINUTES! Wow, I hardly know what to do with all of the free time. Of course I realized the only picture proof I have of this is when she decided to "rest", but Zack's seen it and so has Grandma Elizabeth on Skype. Today we also went and bought her a highchair for the table. I think she sold at least 3 in the store, since we left her in it for a while, and everyone kept saying, "Oh what a cute much is that chair?" And these were reserved ENGLISH people.

What else? Well, today she also rolled over from her back to her stomach for the first time. And she has started to make pushing motions with her feet when she's on her stomach. She managed to get her rear up and push. Wow, we're going to have to put all the toxic chemicals up soon.

Also she's got a favorite new book - British Airway's Safety Guide - which I stole last weekend. All children's books should be so light and colorful!

Beatrice also enjoyed her first real play-date this week. She and Sofia got together on Friday and they played. Well, they looked at each other and tried to grab each other. Cristina & I decided that counts as playing.

Also Beatrice now enjoys sticking her tongue out all the way out of her mouth. She particularly likes to do this after smiling at someone - usually women with grey hair (she loves anyone with grey hair and smiles at them whether they look at her or not). Unfortunately I think the tongue out immediately after is not as sweet as her smile...

Finally, we've started Beatrice on some supplemental formula as well. She hasn't gained more than a few ounces in 9 weeks (yikes!) and she actually lost some weight in the past few weeks, so ... formula it is! I have to admit it is soooo much easier, especially given that every nursing session devolves into a screaming fit and I have to switch Bea from side to side to try and keep her happy and nursing. The formula is going down well (7oz at a time!), and Beatrice seems to be much happier these days!
Here she is dancing with Daddy...and just chillin'...

ps - Tonight is Eurovision. For all of you who have never seen this spectacle of "Europe", it is something to behold!


Amy and Matt Certain said...

Hey Sarah! She is insanely adorable. I hope you know that there are like ten people in Atlanta that are obsessed with you, Beatrice and Zack's life. We were all very sad when you were in Italy....on pins & needles waiting for you to get back to update the blog!! I hope I get to see you the next time you're in town! Melissa had so much fun with ya'll.

Joanne and Deric said...

Hey I want to skype with you too... I will email you my skype name