Monday, May 14, 2007

Going back to Cali

This is post #100. I've been wondering for about a month now what I could possibly put in as post #100. I figured it had to be something momentous - e.g., a photo of Beatrice "typing" the blog entry herself, or skydiving. Luckily, we don't have to risk my keyboard to baby drool or teach her to skydive...

WE ARE MOVING TO CALIFORNIA! In the words of the modern day poet, LL Cool J, we're "going back to Cali, Cali, Cali, ... going back to Cali" We're moving with Zack's work to Santa Barbara, California. Also known as America's Riveria, for good reason. I am slightly concerned that all of us will have to have plastic surgery to fit in, but finally Beatrice will be a California girl! (Zack assures me that as a fourth generation Californian, that should CA ever succeed from the Union, she will still have entry...but I might have to sneak in) Beatrice's first word may well be "dude" afterall.
Goodness, what to write after that? We had a lovely Mother's Day on Sunday. Beatrice bought me flowers and made a beautiful card. She's so talented. And she desperately wanted to talk on (read: eat) the phone when we called the Grandmas.

She has also recently taken to the little lego family that her Aunt Megan and Uncle Colby bought her for Christmas. Somewhat disturbingly though, she only seems to be interested in the "mother", which she grabs and puts straight into her mouth and chews on the head. She's not interested in the "father" one, and I won't let her have the baby one because I prefer not to go to the A&E with a choking infant. Strange. Happy Mother's Day!

Beatrice is still enjoying her highchair. And likes holding her bottle HERSELF, thank you very much.
I can't believe we're really going back to will be hard to leave London. But...the forecast for the next week is 54 degrees and raining, and according to the weather channel Santa Barbara will have highs in the 70s and SUN! Going back to Cali, Cali, Cali...


Chase said...

What exciting news! When is the big move? It is going to be so gorgeous there, you won't miss the London rain, fog, chill, yada yada (but you might miss the pubs - I do!)

We're going to visit you guys as soon as we move back to the States - I'm pushing for 6 months; hubs wants to hang in China for another 10 - we'll see!

Joanne and Deric said...

Yahhhhooo - and guess what! We are taking 30 days next year to travel up the west cost.. so we will have to stop in and see you guys. How great will that be!