There are some very good reasons to live in/near a big city. I think this is one of them. Jessica took Beatrice into SF (on BART! Hooray! BART train, who-hoo!! - getting there was half the fun) to see the Maurice Sendak exhibit at the Contemporary Jewish Museum. The two of them go to the library and read lots of different children's books together, so this was a perfect fit for them. They prepped with lots of reading of "Where the Wild Things Are" and "In the Night Kitchen".

When they finally got home, Beatrice was all,
"MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMY!! We saw...we saw...we saw..we saw some...oooh...Mommy, we saw..." Me: "What did you see Beatrice? What?"
B: "We saw ferries!"
Jessica: "Um, yes we saw some of the ferry boats on the Bay, but what else did we see?"
B: "We saw BART!"
Poor Jessica, Beatrice loved the show too, she just couldn't get it all out, she was too excited.