Beatrice is getting excited about becoming a big sister. At least we think she is. Her new favorite place in the whole world is Babies R Us. We went there a few months ago to pick up some random baby item, and then again more recently for something else I can't remember. I spent an hour and a half watching her try out every carseat and stroller in the place. she wants to go back everyday. Jessica took her today and they played there for TWO HOURS. Beatrice took one of her baby dolls and tried out every single carseat, stroller, bassinet, etc. etc. Jessica said it was hilarious.

In other news, Beatrice also seems to love school. She brought home this picture the other day and said it was for Mommy, Daddy, the baby and Bebe. I asked her what is was. She gave me this patronizing look and said ever so patiently, "It's pink and purple, Mommy."
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