We suited up and headed to Tahoe with John, Jasandra, Ryan, Chiara and Sarah B. Sarah bought Beatrice some cool girl shades!

It was a gorgeous weekend, and while the snow and skiing wasn't all that great, we still had a fabulous time.
The requisite Brangelina baby photo with John John and Jas (above)
Zack is ready to have Beatrice start learning to ski...they practiced early one morning.

While there was a good bit of playing outside, there was lots of good resting inside too...especially in B's tent
Beatrice loved her pink ski bibs...especially with her cool girl shades.
But her favorite, by far, was John John...here they are looking at Bea's blog. Seriously.

And there was lots of princess dancing and underpants showing off...
The drive back from Tahoe was a bit longer, but well worth it, especially with a trip to Ikeda's for burgers and pie... And we even got Beatrice to use the little port-a-potty in the van (no pictures)
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