Today was a big day - Beatrice started "walking"! Ok, in all fairness she only took about 4 steps on her own. But WOW. Even better, thanks to the wonders of technology and Skype, Grandma Elizabeth and Grandpa Bill saw her very first step! Daddy and I witnessed steps #2, 3, and 4.
The problem now (besides the fact that she is almost walking!!!) is that instead of standing still when you put her down on the ground, she now LUNGES forward with her whole body weight. Like she's trying to face plant on the floor. Intentionally. This new trick, plus our tile floors, should be interesting. In addition to "walking", it seems that clapping is back in fashion again. Everything deserves a clap. And everyone gets a wave too. Even inanimate objects. All you have to say is "Hi" or "Goodbye" or "Wave" and she very slowly and deliberately waves her little hand - to a chorus of "Awwww's". It is pretty cute. Sometimes only one finger moves, sometimes the hand that is hidden behind my back moves, and sometimes the whole little hand moves. It's very similar to the Queen's wave.
Hmmm, green feet - I wonder what this means?
Yesterday, Auntie Linda and Mike came to visit with us on their way to Hawaii. Beatrice and Linda hit it off, as I knew they would. They brought Beatrice a toy airplane (Zack thought I'd finally bought him a "jet") - B and Daddy have enjoyed playing with it.
The last time I saw Linda was at her house in New Jersey, when I was one week pregnant with Beatrice (and didn't know it yet) - we went country line dancing.

In other news, we continue to take embarrassing photos of Beatrice to rule out any chances she might have for politics in the future. Or dates.
I really enjoy watching B's development because I know Kai is right behind here and I get to learn from all you experiences (ie. tile floors!).
Take care. Hope to see you both in summer 08.
Deric Holbrook
Hi Sarah
I'm loving the blog - Beatrice is really a beautiful little girl!! Glad you are getting settled into California Livin' so well! :) Take care.
I'm a bit of a slacker - but just reading up on your progress... I won't lie, this one was one of my favorite entries! xoxo LC
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