Beatrice celebrated her 10 month birthday by tormenting her Daddy. Taking pictures with Flat Bear is now definitely a two (adult) person job. Poor Daddy was all alone with Princess, as I was still out of town, so...keep that in mind when viewing the photos. He still did a great job. I'm sure had I done it alone the last few would've shown her with Flat Bear duck-taped around her middle.
Normally I give an update on her height and weight, but we don't have a scale and the last time we measured she'd "shrunk" an inch from her 9 month old doctor's office visit height. So my best guess is - she's heavier, but not that much, and she's a little bit taller, but again, not that much. She's grown out of most 9 month clothes and is pushing the limit on some 12-18 month old clothes.
Beatrice is still very much enjoying the little details in everything (see photo above for Ric Rac inspection - this is classic). And she loves all of her books. She particularly likes pulling them off the shelf, turning pages, and then sitting on them. She's "talking" a lot these days too - lots of "Dadadadadadada" and "Aaaiiiiiyyyyyeeeee"-ing going on. Peek-a-Boo is still the best game in the whole world. We can play it over and over and over again. However Beatrice has started taking the lead and now gets tired of the game after one or two hides (versus the 25+ rounds she previously enjoyed). It is funny when you're on the couch and she "sneaks" up on you, because she is squealing with excitement the whole time.
Beatrice also likes playing in her room, especially when she "sneaks" over to her crib and pulls Bunny out. In her room the big attractions are: stuffed animals, Bunny, the creaky sound the door makes when she opens and closes, opens and closes, opens and closes the white cabinet in her room.
And she is MOVING ALL OF THE TIME! Not walking, although every now and then she'll take a few steps together. But we think after all those face-plants, she just got tired of getting hurt, so she is wisely taking things a bit more slowly on the walking front. So she cruises around the furniture and crawls when needed. And still takes a few baby steps when she feels like it and we're there to catch her.
In terms of food, she's eating two real meals a day. Bottles when she wakes up, mid-day, and when she goes to bed. Two meals of baby food and some finger foods in between. Unfortunately we're not trying many foods because she is STILL toothless. Banana bits and Cheerios are favorite "real" foods. And Daddy has made her some homemade baby foods, which she enjoys.
Other than that? Beatrice still enjoys eating her toes from time to time, loves anyone singing to her (even me), and is just a joy to be around.