Beatrice is soooo ready for Georgia. I got her up from her nap today and she said, "We going to Georgia (Jawh-juh) now? It Monday?" I also found her this morning in our spare bedroom packing the clothes I had laid out. She actually did a good job, I might just add to it. She wants to see "Mimi kitty, Be-ull, Grandma Wibbs, Mama, Dada, Uncle Graham" right NOW. So far she's ignoring me when I tell her Daddy has to wait a few days before he can join us; she made sure his suitcase was out ready to pack too. We're all very ready!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Goodbye Sarah!
Today was Sarah B's last day as Beatrice's official nanny. Sniff, sniff. I'm so sad - it's the end of an era! She's been with us for the last two years - from when Beatrice was 9mo old to 2 yr and 3/4s! Here's their first picture together:
They've been through so much together. We were so lucky to have Sarah as long as we did!
But we did have a nice party last night to mark the occasion. And Jessica, Beatrice's new nanny was able to make it for the festivities too.
Here's B getting ready for the party (lots of parties this week!)
We will all miss you Sarah! Beatrice most of all (although I'm a close-runner up!) But we'll see you in a few weeks, and I'm pretty sure there was a clause in your contract about weekends away when she's 4, right?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Zoo time
Sarah & Beatrice headed to the Oakland Zoo today. Wild times were had by all.

After the zoo they picked me up for a trip to McDonald's, a favorite Wednesday lunch spot.

I usually ask Beatrice about her dreams - if she had them and if she remembers what she dreamed about. Recently she's been dreaming about 'crocodiles', but the other day it was 'crocodiles and chickens!'
I usually ask Beatrice about her dreams - if she had them and if she remembers what she dreamed about. Recently she's been dreaming about 'crocodiles', but the other day it was 'crocodiles and chickens!'
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Happy Birthday Daddy!
I'm taking Zach out to dinner tonight for his birthday. When I told Beatrice that yesterday, she was none too pleased. "How 'bout Daddy-Bebe go to dinner? Mommy stay home?" was her response after thinking for a few minutes. She is quite Daddy's girl these days, especially after his weeklong trip to NYC.

We compromised by having a special birthday dinner for Daddy when he got home last night - all 3 of us. Mmmm, frozen pizza, salad, and angel food cake with strawberries. And balloons, candles and a freshly painted card.
Beatrice practicing all the words so she could sing Happy Birthday to Daddy was the best part by far.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Yummy weekend
We finally enjoyed some of the tomatoes from our garden this weekend. Seriously yummy. We actually had a slightly larger crop but only these made it from the cutting board to the plate for our afternoon snack.

We also went up to Nanny's house to visit. I couldn't resist taking a photo after Eleanor dressed up Beatrice in the play clothes. Wow, what an outfit.

It is so nice to have Zach home. We resorted to all sorts of entertainments on Friday before he got home. The 'boat' turned in to a puppet show....

We also went up to Nanny's house to visit. I couldn't resist taking a photo after Eleanor dressed up Beatrice in the play clothes. Wow, what an outfit.
It is so nice to have Zach home. We resorted to all sorts of entertainments on Friday before he got home. The 'boat' turned in to a puppet show....
This video cracks me up (and makes me slightly nauseated) - kids do love spinning around in circles!
By the way, when Beatrice is dizzy, she'll tell us she's "busy" - very cute.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Purple sparkles & princess tattoos
I got a text at work the other day that said, "She picked purple sparkles" - I didn't figure it out until Sarah B clarified this is what Beatrice picked for her toenails. I still can't believe she goes to the beauty parlor at 2 years old!
Then when I got home from work Beatrice showed me her tattoo: 'Princess' with a tiara underneath in gold sparkles.

I am so getting this for my growing belly!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Halfway there!
Today marks week 20 - halfway there!

For comparison, a photo of me at 20+ weeks with Beatrice in Berlin at Checkpoint Charlie for Zach's birthday in 2006. I had to stop wearing that red skirt at Easter this year!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Summer brunch
Beatrice and I went to Erika's house on Friday to visit with Natalie and Gabe. We had actually invited them over to our house, but somehow we ended up over in their backyard with a gorgeous spread of fruits and french toast laid out before us. Beatrice had a wonderful morning, as she just adores Gabe and Natalie.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Swim Class
In preparation for our trip to Georgia, Beatrice is taking swim classes for two weeks. She can now go underwater holding her nose, and the day I took her, she decided to jump into the water to me. She did this by randomly counting to 5 or 6 or 9 (and once 18) and then jumping in without warning. This does not bode well for Georgia! In this process I also discovered I desperately need a maternity bathing suit. I got away without one in London, as I never went swimming, but the one-piece I wore for the 30 minute swim class may never be the same again!
The video is definitely for the grandparents only:Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Cuteness x3
Each of these girls is so adorable on their own, but when you put the three of them together and leave them alone. So, so cute.

Eleanor and Anna came over when I was doing Beatrice's hair the other day. All 3 insisted on matching ponytails. I kept trying to get a good picture of them. Finally Colby told them to put their foreheads on their knees. Love it.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Big girl bed
Another big day for Beatrice - we moved her to her new big girl bed. "Just like Eleanor," as she says.
Beatrice had a great time putting her bed together with Daddy. She's was a very good helper.
When Beatrice and I went to get her bed a few weeks ago, she suggested that we let the baby use her crib since she's done with it. I told her that was a very good idea.
So Beatrice is very happy with her new bed. And in case you're wondering, yes, that is a Star Wars duvet. Antique bedding (early 80s?) from her Daddy. Sleep tight, Big Girl!
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