We had a fabulously relaxing weekend...we still managed to do lots, but somehow it still felt slow and relaxing. Perhaps it was because the weather was so beautiful. Mid70s and sunny. Hard to beat. We also got all the new curtains Grandma Elizabeth made up around the house. It looks soooo good. My pictures simply do not do them justice!
Zach installed them while I supervised (and Beatrice napped). Before and after photos of the backdoor. The roman shade definitely beats my dishtowel!
My favorite is the matching curtain in the downstairs bathroom, while Zach's is the yellow curtain in the laundry room. (We all have 'save-rites' these days)

A close second for me are the living room and front door shears. Not sure this before and after picture of the old and new curtains do it justice - the old ones are BROWN. Yuck.

So if you ever need new curtains for your house, I highly recommend inviting my mother to visit. Just be sure to have a tape measure handy...
Sarah B took Beatrice and Anna to the park on Thursday. They had a blast!
By far the best visitor of the weekend ... RAIDEN! Baby Raiden (and his parents, Ayanna and Will) came to visit us this weekend. Beatrice was quite happy...as long as we continued to pay as much attention to her as to Raiden!